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Items filtered by date: September 2022

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 00:00

Various Reasons Heel Pain Can Occur

There are twenty six bones in the foot, and the heel bone is considered to be the largest one. Common causes of heel pain are overuse, and wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. These reasons can lead to painful conditions that can include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, reactive arthritis, or heel spurs. Plantar fasciitis is an ailment that can occur when the tissue that runs along the sole of the foot becomes inflamed, which is known as the plantar fascia. It may be treated by using anti-inflammatory medications, or relief may possibly come from wearing custom-made orthotics. The Achilles tendon is found on the calf, and it connects the heel to the calf muscles. An Achilles tendon injury can lead to heel pain, and it can cause difficulty in walking. There are several types of arthritis, and reactive arthritis is triggered by an infection. It can appear in the joints of the body after the infection has been treated. Patients who develop a heel spur often confuse it with plantar fasciitis. The symptoms are similar, despite the fact that they are two different conditions. A bony growth on the heel is defined as a heel spur, and often needs medical treatment for proper healing. If you have any type of heel pain, it is strongly suggested that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can determine what the cause of your heel pain is, and offer correct treatment solutions. 

Many people suffer from bouts of heel pain. For more information, contact Dr. Richard T. Bauer of Summit Foot & Ankle. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is often associated with plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of tissues that extends along the bottom of the foot. A rip or tear in this ligament can cause inflammation of the tissue.

Achilles tendonitis is another cause of heel pain. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon will cause pain from fractures and muscle tearing. Lack of flexibility is also another symptom.

Heel spurs are another cause of pain. When the tissues of the plantar fascia undergo a great deal of stress, it can lead to ligament separation from the heel bone, causing heel spurs.

Why Might Heel Pain Occur?

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes                  
  • Wearing non-supportive shoes
  • Weight change           
  • Excessive running


Heel pain should be treated as soon as possible for immediate results. Keeping your feet in a stress-free environment will help. If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, applying ice will reduce the swelling. Stretching before an exercise like running will help the muscles. Using all these tips will help make heel pain a condition of the past.

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Latham, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Heel Pain
Monday, 26 September 2022 00:00

Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022 00:00

Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Feet

Rheumatoid arthritis is a specific kind of autoimmune disorder that primarily impacts the joints and other body systems. Although individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can experience a wide range of different symptoms, foot pain is an important symptom of RA. For example, individuals with RA can experience swelling, pain, and abnormalities in the feet. Not only can this be annoying in and of itself for those with RA, it can also make falling or tripping due to weakened feet more likely. This can be especially problematic for older individuals who are already susceptible to trips and falls. If you are someone that suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and is experiencing foot pain, it is suggested you make an appointment with a podiatrist.

Because RA affects more than just your joints, including the joints in your feet and ankles, it is important to seek early diagnosis from your podiatrist if you feel like the pain in your feet might be caused by RA. For more information, contact Dr. Richard T. Bauer of Summit Foot & Ankle. Our doctor will assist you with all of your podiatric concerns.

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s own immune system attacks the membranes surrounding the joints. Inflammation of the lining and eventually the destruction of the joint’s cartilage and bone occur, causing severe pain and immobility.

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Feet

Although RA usually attacks multiple bones and joints throughout the entire body, almost 90 percent of cases result in pain in the foot or ankle area.


  • Swelling and pain in the feet
  • Stiffness in the feet
  • Pain on the ball or sole of feet
  • Joint shift and deformation


Quick diagnosis of RA in the feet is important so that the podiatrist can treat the area effectively. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, occupation, and lifestyle to determine the origin of the condition. Rheumatoid Factor tests help to determine if someone is affected by the disease.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Latham, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Feet
Tuesday, 13 September 2022 00:00

Can Pins and Needles Occur From PAD?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can cause numbness and a pins and needles sensation in the feet. This happens as a result of arteries that have become blocked, and it can be common among diabetic patients. Additional symptoms can include foot wounds that will not heal, poor toenail growth, and the feet may feel cold. People who enjoy working out may find the pain gradually diminished after exercises are completed, and this can be because of increased blood flow to the muscles. PAD is diagnosed by performing a test that is known as an ankle-brachial index (ABI). This is an effective method for comparing the blood pressure in the arms to the blood pressure in the legs. There may be more testing that is required if the results are abnormal. Additionally, many patients are unaware they may have PAD and may easily be mistaken for arthritis. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned, it is advised that you consult with a podiatrist who can diagnose PAD and offer various treatment techniques. 

Peripheral artery disease can pose a serious risk to your health. It can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. If you have symptoms of peripheral artery disease, consult with Dr. Richard T. Bauer from Summit Foot & Ankle. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is when arteries are constricted due to plaque (fatty deposits) build-up. This results in less blood flow to the legs and other extremities. The main cause of PAD is atherosclerosis, in which plaque builds up in the arteries.


Symptoms of PAD include:

  • Claudication (leg pain from walking)
  • Numbness in legs
  • Decrease in growth of leg hair and toenails
  • Paleness of the skin
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Sores and wounds on legs and feet that won’t heal
  • Coldness in one leg

It is important to note that a majority of individuals never show any symptoms of PAD.


While PAD occurs in the legs and arteries, Podiatrists can diagnose PAD. Podiatrists utilize a test called an ankle-brachial index (ABI). An ABI test compares blood pressure in your arm to you ankle to see if any abnormality occurs. Ultrasound and imaging devices may also be used.


Fortunately, lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and quitting smoking, can all treat PAD. Medications that prevent clots from occurring can be prescribed. Finally, in some cases, surgery may be recommended.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Latham, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Peripheral Artery Disease
Wednesday, 07 September 2022 00:00

What Athlete’s Foot Looks Like

Athlete’s foot is a fairly common affliction of the foot that primarily affects the skin. Caused by a fungal infection, athlete’s foot is developed when an individual’s skin comes into direct contact with an infected person. This condition can also occur when walking barefoot in warm, moist, public environments such as locker rooms and pool sides. Athlete’s foot might look significantly different depending on where the infection is located and which fungus has caused the infection. For example, when located on the top of the foot, athlete’s foot may appear to be red and patchy. In some individuals, the top of the skin might even look scaly. When located between the toes, athlete’s foot can make the skin look soggy or even split. It is important to note that when this condition affects the skin between the toes, it is quite common for the skin to be significantly itchy. Lastly, athlete’s foot can manifest itself on the bottom, or soles, of the feet. When it appears on the soles of the feet, the condition may appear to be a shade of pink or red. It will also tend to have a scaly texture. If you suspect that you have a case of athlete’s foot, contact a podiatrist to help you address your problem.

Athlete’s foot is an inconvenient condition that can be easily reduced with the proper treatment. If you have any concerns about your feet and ankles, contact Dr. Richard T. Bauer from Summit Foot & Ankle.  Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Athlete’s Foot: The Sole Story

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, can be an extremely contagious foot infection. It is commonly contracted in public changing areas and bathrooms, dormitory style living quarters, around locker rooms and public swimming pools, or anywhere your feet often come into contact with other people.

Solutions to Combat Athlete’s Foot

  • Hydrate your feet by using lotion
  • Exfoliate
  • Buff off nails
  • Use of anti-fungal products
  • Examine your feet and visit your doctor if any suspicious blisters or cuts develop

Athlete’s foot can cause many irritating symptoms such as dry and flaking skin, itching, and redness. Some more severe symptoms can include bleeding and cracked skin, intense itching and burning, and even pain when walking. In the worst cases, Athlete’s foot can cause blistering as well. Speak to your podiatrist for a better understanding of the different causes of Athlete’s foot, as well as help in determining which treatment options are best for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Latham, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Deal with Athlete's Foot

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